Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Next & Final Great Awakening

For a few years in college i really thought i sensed it somehow, sometimes i feel i still do. When i sit down and read the Bible, read books and look at the news it just seems like such a real possibility: A last and final great revival. In my undergrad i did a paper on the two great awakening, focusing on America and the main evangelist starting with Jonathan Edwards and ending with Billy Graham. So many people were affected by these men, but men like Johnathon Edward had no attractive personalities - it was merely the work of God and the Holy Spirit. Jonathan Edwards was a man who preferred books to people and his speaking/preaching style was monotone and his sermons were read right from the paper he has written on. Yet, God used Edwards to begin something new, something that was already beginning to take place over the previous 100 years. Yes, God was working in the communities and in the heart of the leaders almost 100 years before the Great Awakening first happened.

I believe that the world is in place for another great awakening, unlike any great awakening before. The evidence of this can be found in the ideas of many church leaders and lay-people to return to a more traditional view of Christian's, however, this tradition is not shaped by Constantine and the Catholic Church in the 2nd Century. No, this tradition is found about 300 years prior, it is found in the example of the Gospels and the book of Acts. It is the example set by the disciples of Christ and the first missionaries and their churches in Acts. These were communities built around Christ and the use of talents and abilities given by God. There was not a hierarchy in leadership but a community, each person respected and appreciate for their place in the church. The people themselves would stand up and preach about God and what he had been doing in their lives, the disciples and missionaries being the mediators who would cut down any false doctrines that might arise during these times.

We lack this community but it seems to be returning. We, as the church, are finding that the truth is not only found in the preacher, not only found in the leaders and ministers who are paid but also truth is found in the life of those lay-persons in the church, those members who live a life to glorify God. These people are as much witnesses to the things of God as the pastors who preach to them every Sunday and/or Wednesday. The emphasis today on both evangelism and discipleship are obvious, the need for community and relationships by the current generations can be seen, the real threat of evil and terror, and the technology of the Internet and worldwide community provide both a means and audience for the next revival.

Will this happen? Is it possible? Is this a vision from God? I do not know. I want to believe that it is possible though it seems unlikely to me sometimes. I want to believe that there will be one last and great revival before Christ comes and takes his people into his arms. Are we willing to pray for it? Are we willing to obey, serve and sacrifice for such a time, for such an opportunity?

- Daniel

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