James 1:27
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Where have we messed up? Where did we loose our vision and focus? Where did sharing the gospel become inviting people on Easter Sunday, learning extensive pre-programmed outlined evangelism, basically forsaking discipleship and commitment, and allowing the church and love and compassion of Christ to disappear from our pulpits and from our pews?
Where is Christ in us? Dare we call ourselves Christian when we act nothing, if even only in a small manner like Christ? How can we call ourselves Christian when the only times we sacrifice is “giving up” Sunday morning to come to church and Christ remains unlisted on our speed-dial during the rest of the week?
How can we be Christians when we spend so many hours texting, talking to our friends, and wasting out time online or watching TV and no time with the one who we claim to have a personal relationship with, the person who saved us and slayed the Kingdom of Death and Destruction with the Light and Glory of the Kingdom of God?
When did faith become about us and our desires and less about Christ and God. Why do we complain about worship style when many of us do not know how to worship? Why do we complain about confusion when we seem to no longer feel the need to kneel, fall down on our face, and pray before God, to raise our voice in laughter or let our tears of sorrow or joy fall from our faces?
We have lost something. I have lost something.
We have the programs but have lost our heart.
We have the teachings but lack their integration in our life.
We have the knowledge but lack the zeal.
We have the lost but cannot figure out how to communicate with them.
We have opportunities but are too busy to notice them when they arrive.
I want something more but am unsure of what
I want to be on fire but lack the spark somehow
I want to be growing and not settle for apathy and complacency
I want to become more and also become less
I want to find strength in my weakness
I want to find unsurpassed joy in my Savior
I want to yell the name of Christ “Jesus”
I want to savor the complexity of my Savior
And Savor my ignorance in the face of His infinite-eternal mystery
I want to be Christian
I want to pursue
I want Christ
~ Daniel
Extended Thought:
Matthew 25:31-46 - Sheep and Goats
Matthew 5:14-16 - Light Your World
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