Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dream Big!

 If there is one thing I would tell anyone who is younger, who is struggling through their teen angst or college or the aftermath of higher education and trying to pass that transition into the full-time job... it would be to dream big, but also not to give up on your dreams. Or better yet, don’t give up on the calling that God has placed in and on your life. I had friend in the past called to be a doctor; they had the gift but settled for nursing. I had another friend who was called to missions but settled for being a bilingual secretary in a business. These are not bad things, but if these friends sacrificed their calling because of fear then they have a long road ahead of them. I feel like once you give up on one dream, on one thing, and leave it behind; it starts a snowball affect and your life begins to go downhill unless you are able to go back, figure out what you want and go for that once again.

Sure life changes us and sometimes we must change because of circumstances; however, this is not giving up on our dreams if we still hold them dear and close. I dream of being a husband, a father, and a minister someday. Sure I have been a part-time minster but I mean full-time, at least in some job where I am helping people. I also dream of being a published writer, at least articles if not book(s) someday. I would also like to lead more worship... And I know I am not that great and the guitar but I can sing and I dream of being more involved at some point in the future using that gift as well.

I have actually had people in the past tell me because of my more introverted personality that youth ministry or ministry in general might not be for me. It was kind of downer but I really did not care in the end because if God has called me then it doesn’t matter what people say. Sure it matters if they are trying to help or guide you into your ministry niche where you can use your gifts; but so many people give up on their dreams way to quickly because of life or money or tragedy. And here is the thing: Dreams do not come easy, anything worth having takes time and effort and may be a very difficult road to travel. But the great thing about God is he promises never to give us something we cannot handle and even better is that God is right there with us through every difficulty. And in our weakest times God can and will be our strength, we can call on him.

Well, I guess that is really all I wanted to say... I originally intended on writing my note on prayer but this needed to come out first for some reason, so my note on prayer will come shortly. But just do not give up and also do not ever be afraid to ask for prayer. We are not this alone! You cannot be a lone ranger Christian and we were not meant to be! Never be afraid to ask for prayer or advice or guidance from friends or family, always take it as a grain of salt, and in the end put all your longings at the foot of the cross and from there your dreams will likely come into focus and you may find clarity that you did not have before. From this clarity God may grant you a vision, small or large, of where he is leading you to go next, but don’t expect it to be easy, having faith and trusting God never is easy but it is the only way we will ever grow.

In Christ,
~ Daniel

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