Thursday, November 14, 2013

Celebrating 100 Pounds Lost: Part 3

Part 1: Here
Part 2: Here
Part Three
Admittedly, since I started this three-part series I have stayed around 225. Some of it had to do with me being sick and I think some of it was being tired. Not giving into all those cravings and exercising so much does start to take its toll on your body. I was also reading online that at certain weights your body will plateau, but this is also your body adjusting to a new weight. You will not be forever stuck.

Still, I have been working out most weeks at least three times the last month, except this week because I pulled my shoulder/upper back. I also have to come clean and admit I had pizza last night. I gave in but today for lunch I just had some oatmeal and a Slim-fast. I guess that is the way it works, when you fall you cannot just see it as a complete failure, get depressed, and quit; but to always get back up again and try to do and be better. Then, over time you can do something quite insane sounding and lose one-hundred pounds. I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around that number and the reality.

And I still have a ways to go....
So next week I am starting afresh, getting back on track.

My next goal weight is now 200!

Here is Part 3 of my video,
followed by my progression in food and exercise (for those who are interested).

Video: Part 3

Food Progression:
Sand-witches, Hot Pockets, Pop-Tarts, Chips, Whole Milk, Soda (Twice a Day).

First Progression:
Lean Pockets, Wheat Bread, 2% Milk, Soda (Once a day)

Second Progression:
Frozen Processed Chicken, Grain/Flat Bread, No Chips
Pinto Beans, Peas
Processed (Sliced Cheese) to Block Cheese
Eating Apples and Bananas.
Slim-fast (Weight Loss Shake)

Third Progression:
Baked Chicken/Lean Ground Beef
No Bread, No Milk/Cheese
Light Yogurt, Green Beans, Soda (Once a week)
Slim-fast (Weight Loss Shake)
Fruit Smoothies (Orange; Strawberry). - Can Add Kale
Cooking my own Soups and Chili's (Lean or No Meat). - Can Add Kale

Current Snacks:
Light Yogurt
Saltine Crackers
Pretzel Sticks
Raisins (Regular and Yogurt Covered)
Peanuts (Sometimes Cashews)
Cinnamon and Peppermint Hard Candy

Exercise Progression:
None/Minimal Racquetball

First Progression:
2 Days a Week Cardio for 30 Minutes

Second Progression:
3 Days a Week Cardio for 45 Minutes

Third Progression:
4 Days a Week Cardio for 1 Hours
    *Treadmill & Racquetball

Fourth Progression:
4 Days a Week Cardio for 1.5-2 Hours
    *1 of 4 Days do strength training, included in overall time

Fifth Progression (Drastic Change in Diet to include Fruit/Veggies):
4 Days a week working out for 1-1.5 hours
    *2 Days Cardio (Elliptical - one hour)
    *2 Days Strength (Set, 30 minutes on Rower, Set, 30 Minutes on Rower, Final set)

Hope this helps!
Keep trying to be healthy!
Never give up!

The journey continues...

~ Daniel Brockhan

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Celebrating 100 Pounds Lost: Part 2

Ok, well here is the second part of this blog series, for the first click here. Below is the video for this week and also some pictures that show the difference over time as I have lost weight.

Admittedly, I was quite stunned when I put these pictures side by side because I can see the improvements so much more than I do just looking in the mirror. I have next weeks video almost edited and will be posting things I have eaten and am currently eating. Until then, enjoy!



Daniel Brockhan