Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What Are You Worth?

Have you ever set down and thought about your worth?
Have you ever asked if you are worth anything? Are you worthy before Christ?

Why do people not ask themselves these questions? Why do people hide from God most of their life? well, i am tired of the mundane and want to show the world the real and true Jesus, not just a tradtional-fashioned-sunday-special that cost 10% of your income. God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit is so very much more than that.

Here is something from this book I've been reading " Extreme Intimacy with an Interactive God" by: James Alexander Langteaux:
"It's been a while since I've seen that kind of rain [of the Holy Spirit]. It's becoming a memory trace, sepia-toned and fading fast. Things seem pretty dry, and the hearts of man seem to mirror the cracked, parched soil in our sin-drenched land. What has happened to the rain? Mark twain said that everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. Well, maybe its time we do something about the lack of precipitation in our land. Maybe its time we stop talking - stop our idol chatter - and start doing. I want to do something about the dryness that consumes this spiritually arid desert. I want to see the floodgates of heaven open and pour down heavy drops. Maybe it has nothing to do with the weather and everything to do with our idols - idols that have captured our imagination, passion, and time." (Pg. 142)
- Daniel

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