Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Till We Have Faces Life is a Masquerade

I am an observer of people. I watch things and notice thing that are different and things that are the same... and if you know me long enough you will notice this and sometimes this surprises people, especially if I inquire as to why something is different and they do not know or do not want to know the reason why... which brings me to my title and main point: The Masquerade! Oliver Wendel said, “Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend.”

This got me to thinking how we conduct ourselves around people, around our friends, our family, and our other social circles in life. I think that even here on the internet we interact differently, we put on a mask to hide who we really are: updating statuses, defining ourselves by the movies, TV, and music we listen to. However, I think for most of us we edit these things to make sure we are perceived a certain ways. We leave out music others might find lame or maybe movies we know we should not like but do anyway. Sometimes we send messages to people when we leave comments or do not reply to messages. We have been and are always creating an image of our self to others, not only of how we view our self but also on how we view them as well. So, it is both how we perceive self and how we perceive our self in relation to others. We are constantly defining and redefining our friendships, those who are close and not so close to us. Of course at the same time this is being done to us from others as well. The hope of course is that we are not caught in the middle, in that spot where we cut off people, only to be found cut off ourselves as well.

Ah, but now I am rambling and your brains are hurting. But that is ok, because I wanted that to happen and my brain hurts now as well, lol. I am saying all this because I think when I write sometimes people get freaked out by some of my honesty, by some of the masks I take off, trying to let people see true glimpses of myself, and hopefully allowing people to take a look at themselves and perhaps shed some of their masks as well. My theory is that most people walk around in masks all the time, not really letting others in. Mostly, of course, this is a defense mechanism because they have been hurt and scared in the past, so when given the chance to open up or reach out they relent, they digress, and they retreat into their shell and behind their mask. Of course these people are not hermits and most do not notice this because so many people wear these masks. I think that people like me who try to uncover these masks and see real faces challenge the stereotypes; they want to get beyond generality and into a more unique and deeper friendship and connection with others.

I try to do this through my writing but even more-so in my interactions in life. Sure I am still more introverted than extroverted but I am who I am and to be anything otherwise would be letting myself go, creating some mask to be accepted by others while at the same time loosing who I am and loosing real and vital connection with people and replacing those with shallow and fake relationships.

The only thing I want to add is that I try to be open in my writing but these are just parts of me, glances of me, just as one only knows aspects of friends each new time they speak together. The only thing I regret is that in my writing my humor never seems to come out... but maybe that is because humor comes across in an odd way online, and perhaps it takes exceptional writing to accomplish such a feat. So, I will stop ranting and leave you with a quote and some questions:
“Do you not know that there comes a midnight hour when every one has to throw off his mask? Do you believe that life will always let itself be mocked? Do you think you can slip away a little before midnight in order to avoid this? Or are you not terrified by it? I have seen men in real life who so long deceived others that at last their true nature could not reveal itself;... In every man there is something which to a certain degree prevents him from becoming perfectly transparent to himself; and this may be the case in so high a degree, he may be so inexplicably woven into relationships of life which extend far beyond himself that he almost cannot reveal himself. But he who cannot reveal himself cannot love, and he who cannot love is the most unhappy man of all.” - Soren Kierkegaard
“Clowns wear a face that's painted intentionally on them so they appear to be happy or sad. What kind of mask are you wearing today?”

Do you ever feel like Life is a Masquerade Ball with everyone, including yourself, hiding behind a kind of facade? How do we find our face and drop the masks we wear?

Till We Have Faces
Life is Just a Masquerade…

~ Daniel


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Faith Beyond Belief

I hope this speaks somehow, perhaps may even encourage those who may be having similar feelings or frustrations. Persevere friend. Trust friend. God is with you and will provide.
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
- Psalm 27:14
I have wanted to write this week but have been back and forth again a lot this week. I think a lot of things have made me anxious and stressed out: bill and student loan payments, needing to renew my lease soon, not getting two jobs at Citibank, and not getting as many jobs substitute teaching as I would have liked this week - more half-day then full-day jobs.

I admit, at one point this week I wept before God, asking him why and what He wants from me... I was so distraught I was trying to read my daily devotional book and threw it across the room in anger, frustration, and confusion... and those who know me will understand I rarely get emotional like that and even more rarely am I so filled with emotion that I ever throw anything.

God and I have been having a rocky road the last few months, mostly because I suppose my definition of God providing is differently than how and when God will actually provide. In my heart I feel called to ministry but wonder if that calling is full-time or part-time (bi-vocational). Just because a church does not have a lot of money does that mean they do not need ministers? Does it make my calling less to be in such a church?

I have been struggling spiritually, not in a manner in which I would deny my faith but in a manner that questions my presuppositions about God's provision versus my need. God has always taken care of me, so of course if God has shown himself faithful so far, then I am certain he will show himself faithful into the future. The struggle is how will God provide and when? I am a lot more open to options and possibilities than I was a few months ago, sure maybe I did miss some opportunities but I cannot go back and change, only push forward and change into the future, learning to be more open with God's will for my life and learning to see and respond to open doors when they rise up in my life.

God has provided and will provide. I really am blessed with good friends right now and a place to live, food to eat, and two jobs that are great and provide some income so I am not currently running on absolutely nothing. What bothers me is recognizing that in my life I feel I sometimes have more faith when things are going well then when they are not, that my faith God will provide is based on stability and financial circumstances, not with a stability in spirit and a joy that surpasses my circumstances... that is what I want and desire, faith beyond belief I suppose, to find joy in the midst of trail and tribulations and suffering. Of course, life is the journey getting us there and the path is sometimes easier to follow and work through than other harder times.

But I thank God that on my bad days (like the one below) when I am angry and doubtful he has grace and mercy on me, that he listens and offers his hand in the midst of my "teen" angst moments. Praise God for being good, for being loving, and for saving a wretch like me.

~ Daniel

Thursday, April 2, 2009

James 1:27

James 1:27
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

Where have we messed up? Where did we loose our vision and focus? Where did sharing the gospel become inviting people on Easter Sunday, learning extensive pre-programmed outlined evangelism, basically forsaking discipleship and commitment, and allowing the church and love and compassion of Christ to disappear from our pulpits and from our pews?

Where is Christ in us? Dare we call ourselves Christian when we act nothing, if even only in a small manner like Christ? How can we call ourselves Christian when the only times we sacrifice is “giving up” Sunday morning to come to church and Christ remains unlisted on our speed-dial during the rest of the week?

How can we be Christians when we spend so many hours texting, talking to our friends, and wasting out time online or watching TV and no time with the one who we claim to have a personal relationship with, the person who saved us and slayed the Kingdom of Death and Destruction with the Light and Glory of the Kingdom of God?

When did faith become about us and our desires and less about Christ and God. Why do we complain about worship style when many of us do not know how to worship? Why do we complain about confusion when we seem to no longer feel the need to kneel, fall down on our face, and pray before God, to raise our voice in laughter or let our tears of sorrow or joy fall from our faces?

We have lost something. I have lost something.
We have the programs but have lost our heart.
We have the teachings but lack their integration in our life.
We have the knowledge but lack the zeal.
We have the lost but cannot figure out how to communicate with them.
We have opportunities but are too busy to notice them when they arrive.

I want something more but am unsure of what
I want to be on fire but lack the spark somehow
I want to be growing and not settle for apathy and complacency
I want to become more and also become less
I want to find strength in my weakness
I want to find unsurpassed joy in my Savior
I want to yell the name of Christ “Jesus”
I want to savor the complexity of my Savior
And Savor my ignorance in the face of His infinite-eternal mystery

I want to be Christian
I want to pursue
I want Christ

~ Daniel

Extended Thought:
Matthew 25:31-46 - Sheep and Goats
Matthew 5:14-16 - Light Your World