Monday, April 10, 2006

Reflective Mood: Iraq & War

For those who care - im wondering what you all thing about War? What is our national responsibility? What about religious/christian view? We spent about three hours in my class this morning talking about it in one of my graduate classes today and really came out the same way we came in.

I feel like being a little reflective. I think it is good to sometimes sit and consider tings that are going on in my life, in the world. There are so many issues from the war in Iraq to Immigration (reform) going on right now. To tell the truth I am a bit uncertain about what to do with all this stuff. The real problem is that it seems like whenever we try to help someone they take advantage. How many people have been killed in Iraq because we have stayed to help? How many immigrants from Mexico ar getting a free ride here in the states? Did you know what not only can immigrants get jobs without paying taxes but also they can send their children to school and they can even get health discounts and things like Medicare/Medicaid because our goverment says it won't deny anyone who needs help. I don't know even the war is hard for me. I really just want our troops to come home. I know we are doing some good over there but it seems everyday we stay over there we loose more troops and also more sway in the world.

So, if our Christian duty is first to Jesus and to show his compassion and love, how do we go about doing that in these situations? A big question mark is above my head for I am clueless. I guess the way of the cross would be to stop violence and to help eachother out. If as a global christian community (maybe even the church in the world) came together and provided a sense of peace and security, perhaps we would not have situations like the ones in Iraq. Why do we create weapons just to blow eachother up? How stupid can humanity possibly be? And if we got together with Mexico and helped them get jobs and education, then maybe there would be no need for them to come to America (of course in a wholistic world we would not have national lines, just geographic ones i suppose).

All of this seems to welcome the NEW WORLD ORDER. I'm not much on REVELATION because most misinterpret it; however, I can see the world coming under one rule. The sad thing about it is that the ruler (rulers) will still be human and fallen and this person(s) would have control over not one or two countries but everyone. No wonder God and Jesus will step in during those dark days.

Ok, thats all my reflection for today
~ Daniel

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