Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Interview @ Java City

I had a meeting or interview with a pastor this morning at Java City. The church is in Abilene and not far away. They are trying to build up both their youth and children's ministry and the pastor has done many things. He is a Bi-Vocational Pastor since he took over his parents business in town, so he works at the church part-time. He has gone from being a music minister to a youth minister to a pastor now. There are only about three or four youth right now because the other half graduated last may, the church is primarily traditional or hymn worship but the pastor and new music minister are trying to put in some praise music. The pastor and church also have a passion for prayer and missions, both which i feel are important and i am in need of these to help me own growth and ministry. The pay isn't great and i will probably look for another job besides this one, though this will have prominence over any other job i have or will have.
But i am getting ahead of myself i guess... this was only step one in the process. Step two is either meeting with the deacons or going for a visit and then meeting the deacons later. I discussed going to the conference at the church next tuesday, so i can get a feel for the people and see the church. It felt more of a discussion and getting to know than a interview. im glad i got to know this man as well... he is nice and seem to have both a sense of responsibility and humor, not unlike myself. He asked about situations with youth, females in particular - to which I said I would like to have a lady or woman in the church for such situations - and with guys or girls it would not be good to be alone but if possible meet at a certain public place. I was asked about the inerrancy of scriptures and answered that is inerrant, yet i to claim aspects of infallibility - such as God using the culture, strengths and weaknesses of the authors to get his point and purpose across. The asked which translation I adhere too - i said the NIV and NASB, for practical and grammatical reasons. I said that no one speaks in King James and so it lacks helping people make the connection to God, I would rather change translations than split a person from God cause they cant understand his word. He asked if I thought I could to the administrative work - I said yes but I would need help. He then asked if I was involved in the BGCT and SBT split/disagreements, which I said no to but then explained and commented that I know there are some issues; however, I think the church, evangelism, and discipleship should be primary over and bickering.

So, I guess thats about it. it was a really good interview. I really think I could help them and they could help me grow as well as a minister and in my own personal walk with Christ. I'm really trying to be optimistic, I despise my pessimistic side - it depresses me so many times.

- Daniel

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