Monday, May 3, 2010

Thank You Friend

Hello Friend,

Every so often I sit am amazed at my life, those people in it who help me through the tough and rough times, as well as, laugh with me during the funny ones. This happened twice this past Sunday, once at Pioneer in Sunday School, Worship, and the new Members lunch and then again that night at a small group I am apart of at First Baptist Church. Sometimes I feel down but am happy to know I have people who support and encourage me here in Abilene, both spiritually and emotionally. I have good friends and most of them are not fickle, even if we are not best friends, I feel they see a part of me - one seeking Christ.

Sometimes though, I try not to be overly spiritual (or come across that way at least). As a called-minister or older-christian I never want to think or even act like I have all the answers. Last night at the small group we were talking about gifts and while I know I do have the spiritual gift of pastor/shepherd it is something I haven't really got to develop a lot, not in the ways I would have liked thus far. I have more developed myself through teaching, discernment, encouragement along with trying to work on my abilities in music. However, writing is something that has become a passion of mine, something that has developed since middle school, which was also the exact time I began to feel a call to ministry. Apparently, from what I have read in Adam McHugh's book "Introverts in the Church", people who are more introverted express their thoughts better through writing and also normally have a sort of spiritual journal, something else I have been doing either on paper or online since my freshmen year in college sometime in 2001-2002. I actually have about seven full notebooks now... Somehow my blogs/notes have crossed between something of my everyday experiences and those spiritual journal entries I would write. Sometimes I am not sure if I am too personal or too open, other times not open enough. Especially when it comes to your personal experiences with sin, specifically secret sins, it is difficult to express the agony and anguish one deals with when they try to follow Christ and lay behind the gossip, slander, malice, lust, anger, bitterness, pride, envy, jealousy, their past... and all the other little and big things that keep us from God and hinder our growth.

I guess I write this to say thank you to all my friends who are there for me, who see me in a way that not many people see others anymore today. You don't just see me online or through a text or just through a phone call but as a brother in Christ, as a fellow Christ-follower. And even if I don't say it often I am truly thankful and want you to know that I pray for every one of you... maybe not every day but I am mindful of you and pray for your growth and that you find your gifts and use them for God's glory, finding a niche, a ministry, some outlet to let the light of Christ shine through you.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. -Hebrews 12:1
Your Brother in Christ,

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